
Rosario dorato San Patrizio

 Altre opzioni di pagamento

Perle 7 mm in vetro di Boemia (taglio Cristallo);

Lavorazione dorata con coppette sui Pater e marchio Ghirelli;

Crocera a lavorazione tridimensionale "San Patrizio nella cacciata dei serpenti" su trifogli, finitura oro antico con inserti smaltati a mano;

Crocifisso Celtico, finitura oro antico con inserti smaltati a mano.

Firma: L'esclusivo lingotto Ghirelli dimostra l'autenticità e la garanzia di qualità del Made In Italy. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Fr Neil D. Bryson SSC
Beautiful rosary

As an Irishman, I love this rosary. The ☘️ is incorporated into the centre medal. How beads feel while one's praying is as important as how they look. The Celtic crucifix harmonises the piece.

The most beautiful gift for my daughter

This rosary is stunning. My daughter attends a St Patrick's school and we go to mass at St Patrick's church, so I wanted to gift her a rosary for her birthday that featured this saint. The quality and craftsmanship displayed by Ghirelli is second to none and I can't wait to see her face when she receives this beautiful birthday blessing.

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